April 2014

Hello everyone! Thanks for playing on Kaizen Worlds. I am Matt Nguyen also known as MattTheDolphin. I also lead a group of filmmakers on the YouTube Channel: TheG2ProjectNetwork

I have been working with Puckman71 for about one year on a Mini-Game World. And I’m glad to announce that The G2 Game Zone will be open this June! It’s already open for people to come beta test the games but we only have one game ready but we will be releasing more games for players to beta test along the way.

– You can use ./warp g2hub
– You can use the Beta Portal located at spawn.


I created this new area to make some test builds for trying out different versions and settings of the amazing Sildur ShaderPacks!
Matt’s game hub with shaders. Check out them lights.

Might be hard to see in a still but when it rains the water on the surface reflects.

The warp tower showing the water reflection


We used to have a lot of players last year. Then due to the slow 1.6 to 1.7 migration of bukkit and a few of us not playing as much player count dropped. I’m happy to see it climbing up again. Most of the time there will be a few players online, some days as much as 8 or 9.
I really want to fill all 33 slots all the time. Please spread the word far and wide!


There is a new area on the map called Twin Peaks. It has a warp and a world border and I will add a warp tower later. The area is managed by SFaulken and Samantha_cs


Needing a place to move the original spawn skull so I moved it to the island where Ice and Nina live, we decided then it would be fun to create Skull Island which has a warp tower and a world guard border. Ice and Nina will shared control the island and people can join their rank to show they live on the island.